KITE TEMPLE - Escolas de Kitesurf powered by Opel Astra Sport

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Alerta de Segurança - Aguaceiros!

Depois de um grande período sem vento, estamos todos ansiosos por entrarna água. Muitas vezes esta vontade faz-nos esquecer algumas regras desegurança básicas que têm de ser sempre cumpridas.

O alerta que queremos fazer está relacionado com a previsão. Se semantiver, estamos perante um dos cenários que consideramos mais perigosos:dias de inverno com sol, vento quadrante norte e aguaceiros.

É nestes dias que estamos a navegar, tá tudo bem, e de repente entra umanegra (nuvem baixa que sobressai das restantes por ter uma cor escura -normalmente designada por Stratocumulus) que faz baixar rapidamente atemperatura e por sua vez um aumento brusco da intensidade do vento.

Copyright (direitos): PhotoCreate

Neste dias, principalmente, é preciso muita atenção e quando se vir umanuvem destas a aproximar, deve-se POUSAR O KITE e aguardar que passe.

Segurança... nunca é demais lembrar!


KSF no Leste Europeu?

Alguns meses depois o Kite Summer Festival Powered by Jogos Santa Casa ainda é tema na comunidade kiter. Desta vez teve honras de reportagem numa revista Polaca - Free & Style - saindo na sua edição de Janeiro. É um facto, não é fácil para todos perceber o que lá está escrito, mas se pedirem muito tenta-se uma tradução :D

Reportagem por: Zofia Tomczynska Fernandes


Inside the Kite Temple: An Australian on the other side....(part V)

Away from the North West wind and ?3.00 Tosta Mista?s of Nova Vaga, lays the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. Generally a Kiteboarding Instructor teaches in a remote location away from the hustle and bustle of a city, somewhere quiet with only a few other recreational options.

Terreiro do Paco - Lisbon's main square

Not this one. I was a fifteen minute drive from the center of Lisbon and towards the end of my summer; I was actually living in Lisbon at Kite Temple Headquarters.

Marques de Pombal - Lisbon's center

Having spent a few nights on the Sagres and Superbock, I managed to explore a few of the nightspots that this super cool city had to offer. Places in the crammed streets of Bairro Alto and café cultured bars in Santos as well as nightclubs like BBC and Buddha.

Bairro Alto's restaurant

One of my favorites and probably the trendiest was the popular nightspot on the river, the infamous Lux. With the help of my every ready wingman Tino, the Kite Temple boys assaulted the dance floor and waved the flag for drunken amateur Kiteboarders everywhere. It was to be the place of many funny and amusing stories.

Lux Club - photo from Norton's website

The other spots that seen my hard earned Euro?s being passed over the counter were places like Tamariz west of Lisbon where the outdoor bar and club complex was packed every Saturday night with stunning girls and quality DJ's playing til dawn.

Tamariz rocking

The little town of Meco, Tino?s local and home away from home, south of Lisbon was also visited on numerous occasions and offered a real 'summer beach party' feel.

This was the beauty of working in Portugal with Portuguese people, I got the opportunity to see places which foreigners who come for the weekend or even weeks just don't know about. I was doing what everyone else was doing?..I was slowly becoming Portuguese (minus the Portuguese). I was well on my way to applying for a B.I. All of these places and many more added another side to working in Portugal.

Apart from the nightlife, other areas around Lisbon like Sintra with it's stunning Royal Palace and old ruins as well as seaside destinations like Cascais with it's mariner and..stuff?? ah yes Cascais...all offer different sights and sounds and make the city what it is..a dam fine place to spend the summer!

Cascais's Bay

Mussolins's Castle

Pena's palace

One of the reasons I had the opportunity to see these places and experience these places was thanks to the Kite Temple Guys and friends of Kite Temple. Having what I call 'Team Dinners' at Kite Temple HQ and out and about in Lisbon was an awesome way to get to see the in's and out's of these places?. Even better when the guys shouted me dinner every time.

It was good being the youngest one. I even got a birthday present from the guys!

(to be continued)

Angus Kitchin